Uncivil Savant
Uncivil Savant Podcast
Episode 01 - Welcome to Uncivil Savant

Episode 01 - Welcome to Uncivil Savant

Recorded 21st November 2022

Welcome to the first of the podcast-hosted audios of all Uncivil Savant posts, so they can all live in one place, for easier listening. After over a year of weekly audio versions of posts, since first publishing on Substack, it seemed a good idea to use the podcast feature for those who always prefer to listen, rather than read my work.

As time progresses I hope to add other audio and musical extras.

For now, welcome. I hope you enjoy these posts and catch up on some you may have missed. Feel free to share them.

January 28th 2024.

Uncivil Savant
Uncivil Savant Podcast
The complete audio version of my regular posts. Notes from the Way, words from the woods, waters from the springs. Plus upcoming audio and musical extras in 2024.