Uncivil Savant
Uncivil Savant Podcast
Episode 13 - To Hone Uncanny Musculature

Episode 13 - To Hone Uncanny Musculature

A letter

At 1am on 4th February, after a full 90 minute cycle of good deep sleep, I was awoken by the image of a vast bog or marsh, stretching between two conical mountains, such as found in the water-lands of Sutherland, in the far north of Scotland. But my mind was in the sphagnum moss and bog myrtle, not on the heathered high mountain sides. Over the next minutes a response flooded out of me to a question I have been asking myself for a few months now, about the predicament we find ourselves in, here in the Hubriscene Age.

First published here with full transcript, notes and more images, February 6th 2023.

Uncivil Savant
Uncivil Savant Podcast
The complete audio version of my regular posts. Notes from the Way, words from the woods, waters from the springs. Plus upcoming audio and musical extras in 2024.