Uncivil Savant
Uncivil Savant Podcast
Episode 19 - Intent

Episode 19 - Intent

Brew new wine, bury old hatchets

Correct mind intent, plus physical repetition over time, equals practice.

Or, ‘If it ain’t raining, it ain’t training’.1

Below is something I wrote as a practice aide-memoire for myself in 2018, then adapted for my students a few years ago, and have returned to this weekend though necessity. It’s been a hard week, not only for myself, but for several of my loved ones. The way this shows up for me is blinding headaches, my organism is very straightforward and unsubtle in expressing distress these days, which I appreciate. Non-mysterious pain is always instructive, whether it comes from oneself or from others, (and there is not always a distinction to be made). Many people harm themselves by making sure others will attack them. I have certainly done this. How unsatisfying is the feeling of righteousness as the eviction notice arrives!

First published here with full transcript, notes and more images, March 20th 2023.

Uncivil Savant
Uncivil Savant Podcast
The complete audio version of my regular posts. Notes from the Way, words from the woods, waters from the springs. Plus upcoming audio and musical extras in 2024.