Uncivil Savant
Uncivil Savant Podcast
Episode 20 - Make cracks for magic

Episode 20 - Make cracks for magic

Interlude - on writing and reading

Begin. Open a space with your intent, like you do when you dream. Take all the care and love and unmet desire that you have, and right now in your mind’s eye roll it up into a tight ball as though of sharp-scented herb leaves. Now compress that for 40 million years, which will take the length of 4 breaths. Then see as it turns from coal to jet to diamond under necessity’s fierce pressure. OK, now you have a sharp, rough diamond and you can make a crack in anything with it. Including the edifice of ordinary mind, the brittle panes of racing mundane thoughts, or that stone case you get around your heart when your anger wields its cleverness like a club. 

Here is a jewel. It is also a hammer to make those cracks. A vajra

First published here with full transcript, notes and more images, March 27th 2023.

Uncivil Savant
Uncivil Savant Podcast
The complete audio version of my regular posts. Notes from the Way, words from the woods, waters from the springs. Plus upcoming audio and musical extras in 2024.