I have always envied a friend of mine from high schools because her middle name was Meadows and I just thought this was one of the loveliest words in the English language. Meadow. ‘Round here it’s the prairie and the taproots go unbelievably deep. There’s a mural at the our local natural history museum that allows you to stand next to wh…
I have always envied a friend of mine from high schools because her middle name was Meadows and I just thought this was one of the loveliest words in the English language. Meadow. ‘Round here it’s the prairie and the taproots go unbelievably deep. There’s a mural at the our local natural history museum that allows you to stand next to what’s going on underneath the goldenrod, mullein, trefoil, larkspur. I feel like a dwarf. Brilliant.
Thanks for the luminous words…going to let them churn anaerobically for a while…
I have always envied a friend of mine from high schools because her middle name was Meadows and I just thought this was one of the loveliest words in the English language. Meadow. ‘Round here it’s the prairie and the taproots go unbelievably deep. There’s a mural at the our local natural history museum that allows you to stand next to what’s going on underneath the goldenrod, mullein, trefoil, larkspur. I feel like a dwarf. Brilliant.
Thanks for the luminous words…going to let them churn anaerobically for a while…