Beautiful and I loved the improvised vocal resonances with their weaving of harmonies and dissonances and changes.

Several decades ago, I was taught by a Taoist Meditation master to use sounds a bit like this, to wake up my inner world through accessing the internal landscape of the physical body as pure vibration and to feel where the inner spaces are blocked. I giggled for ages and then learned to feel into some of the explosive snorts of laughter as we all tried to make specific vibrational sounds on both the exhale and inhale, as instructed. We then continued more steadily until the experience of sound vibrations became a clear internal tool. It’s not a skill I kept up well, but it can still be useful.

In recent years I’ve been playing with the felt vibrations of colour in my meditation practice. I tried sharing it recently with an experienced meditation practitioner but we came to the conclusion that it works best if you are a visual artist, which he is not. I hadn’t realised that it’s not normal to feel colours as very subtle yet tangible vibrations. I’m curious about whether you feel colours too and if you notice how the subtle vibrations change through the process of creating pigments.

The most fascinating thing for me is that I can slide off the visible spectrum and explore the vibrations of ‘colour’ that are not visible to human perception. The same seems to happen with inaudible ‘sound.’

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I have a friend from Hawai'i who hears and feels colours, and who senses colours for numbers, words and sounds, but I do not have such synaesthesia.

I do feel certain, often strong, sensations with pigments, raw earths, rocks and landforms, but it is not anything I could describe in a sentence or two!

With both sound and earths, it is the coming-into-relationship with them that seems to move me greatly, so I experience it as having more in common with meeting, conversation and presence than sensation or perception. Difficult to explain but easy to experience, I find!

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Interesting how different we all are in our perceptions and inspirations. I had an eccentric aunt who taught me a great deal about the natural world and landscape. She had a visceral feel for rocks and moorland, for becks and tarns and dry stone walls, for wilderness and birds and lichens and ceramics. Her excitement was communicated mainly with black and white photography, in the days when women didn’t own cameras let alone develop and print in dark rooms. She lived to nearly 100, still enjoying life and chuckling with delight when we discussed how rocks and mountains can feel very alive.

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