
Heartwork Class 3

Front Heart and Back Heart Salutations

Thanks to those who came to the final Heartwork session of 2024 and to all who’ve taken part in any of the live sessions over the past two years. It’s been lovely to meet you! I know that lots of people find it more convenient to watch these after they have been recorded rather than come along at the time. Thanks for all your messages. If you have queries about the work, please feel free to get in touch by pressing reply to this post in your email.

This session starts with warm ups, revises both the Salutations, adds depth and visualisations and ends with standing and walking meditation.

If you move along with the three Heartwork videos in a row, they will build towards being able to do the movements on your own. Don’t feel hurried, there’s no rush to remember everything, just practice with sincerity.

I have readjusted the movement classes tab on my welcome page so that only the recorded videos are there, for ease of study. All the Chi Kung and Heartwork are there, numbered simply.

I am now officially on sabbatical for either 3 or 4 months, depending on the dates of some work in the spring. This will be my first ever time off going out to work for more than a month since I left Chelsea School of Art in 1996… I will be writing, of course, here on Substack, planning and researching my third natural art materials book for Search Press and working on a (currently secret) project for another publisher. More of that soon, I hope.

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I hugely appreciate all of you who support me by being paid subscribers, it makes all my creative work possible. I look forward to sharing some exciting announcements in the New Year.

May I take this opportunity to wish you a very peaceful and nurturing winter, if you live in the northern hemisphere, and a joyful and creative summer, if in the south.

Warmest wishes, Caro.

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