Using the word conspiring for the interaction with the physical in order to express is so descriptive. It is exactly how I experience it. It changes my attempts of writing about it into conspiracy theories....the unavailable phrase. But seriously, conspiring with is such a beautiful intention. I feel like being in the same movement in trying to show ways to reconnect, to plug back into life, to practice the practice without the need to ever agree on the how.... Thank you, you hone me

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Your words are like honey on the heart. Thankyou.

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Thank you, again and again.

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You are welcome, Margaret, again.

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I love the todo list. It’s a complete subversion of the form, which is normally meant to increase busyness and productivity, measure accomplishments and monitor progress toward concrete tasks.

Your todos are not so measurable and cannot be checked off a list so easily. They are practices to be done repeatedly, experienced rather than completed.

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I was thinking this same thing Amy.

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