Dear Caroline, the video links aren’t working for some reason. I’ve tried the early videos and later ones, but they all seem inactive. Can you shed any light on this? I’m loving your breath work.

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Thanks Caroline. It wasn’t clear whether the problem was my end or yours. It see what I can do

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Hi Terri, I just checked them all on my browser and they are all working fine. Have you tried using a different web browser, your phone, or another device? It's also worth using the Substack help function. Sorry I can't help more.

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Hi Caroline, thank you. My body tends towards these sorts of practises - but often my mind has other ideas.

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Hi this is good - when I try this movement my breath and movement become one - which is a rather pleasant and welcoming feeling. Thank you.

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Hi Tony, that's great and entirely the aim of the exercise - to allow breath and movement to become one.

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Lovely! Your T’ai Chi looks a lot like the yoga I learned from TKV Desikachar. Movement follows breath. No forcing. Minimal effort. Adapting the yoga to the individual. Appropriate to all cultures and religious beliefs.

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Hi there, that video is actually chi kung, (breath / energy work) rather than T'ai Chi (martial art), which looks quite different, but occasionally starts with this movement.

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