Thank you caro for modeling the light footprint in a world it seems the monsters are running. Your sentences feel like they’ve fallen from an angel’s lap.

I lived for years in a boarding school dorm called barks hall just shortly after Coleman barks’ father was headmaster. This marvelous poem was crafted on a formica table in the bluebird cafe after English class in Athens georgia From the translations by your countrymen arberry, Nicholson and others. It often feels a disservice to Rumi and Coleman both to say Coleman’s ‘transreading’ (William gas) is authored by Rumi. The chickpeas Coleman is thinking of in this poem came out of the frantic kitchen of our enormous dining hall in white plastic serving bowls by the steaming dozen in Chattanooga Tennessee.🙏❤️

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Imagining the Tennessee chick peas. Thankyou for this! I also just added Coleman Barks to the credit. From age 17 I grew up with his versions of Rumi, starting with 'Unseen Rain'. The yearning-as-path I encountered there was a huge influence on me, and still provides the necessary corollary to my Stoic / Taoist tendencies.

In our own way, of course, we are all monsters, but perhaps to a lesser degree than those currently running things. This little chick pea spent a very long time not wishing to be cooked...

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